China Dawn
In the last 20 years, tremendous breakthroughs in technology remade the US economy. In the process, Americans witnessed the rise of a generation of business titans, named Gates, Jobs, Grove and Clark. In this breathtaking narrative, Sheff brings us inside a similar revolution in China – one of the world’s most rapidly industrializing economies. Behind the transformation of China are entrepreneurs who are transforming the largest nation in the world. Profiling remarkable players like Bo Feng – a leading venture capitalist who has backed some of the most successful Chinese technology powerhouses, and Edward Tian – a business and cultural hero who left his own startup on the eve of its IPO to lead China’s campaign to bring broadband to the entire nation, CHINA DAWN is the story of a business revolution. It is also the story of the social and political revolution the government of China tried to resist even as it encouraged business innovation. Tempted by the promise of growth, the government waged a simultaneous – and losing battle against the Internet’s free flow of ideas.
“An arresting read, with a level of detail about China and the Internet unduplicated anywhere else…. China, at the turn of the century, also comes alive.” –“Sheff’s prose is as energetic and alive as his chosen subject… China Dawn draws you into its narrative with a power that exceeds that of any other similar book.” – Barnes and Noble (Editor’s Pick)
“An engaging look at how the net revolution is playing out in a nation where the rules of capitalism don’t apply…. At times it seems like the characters are learning to play basketball in a world without gravity.” – Newsweek“The story of an insurgency, and a momentous one.” – Wall Street Journal
“David Sheff has written a fascinating study of go–getting businessmen at work in a revived China.” —Gore Vidal
“China Dawn tells the spellbinding story of the people who are bringing the Internet to China, energizing the Chinese economy and catalyzing massive social change.”– Marc Andreesen
“There is no part of China’s go–go economy that is more dynamic and more catalytic than the information technology sector. David Sheff has given us a revealing glimpse of both its dynamism and its awkward co–existence with the old organs of the Chinese Communist Party. It is not too extreme to say that as goes China’s information technology revolution, so goes China.” – Orville Schell, Dean, The Graduate School of Journalism, UC, Berkeley
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